Thursday, December 10, 2009

School Projects

Grrrrrr... where does the time go? I keep asking myself that, but the fact is, sometimes I get tired, don't feel like doing it, or would rather be reading or knitting. I finished two assignments, now I just need to finish the one with Sarah tonight so we can post it on the web and be ready to present it tomorrow.

On a good note! I have a date with F tomorrow after school. He's meeting me after his work in DC and we are going to the Lebanese Taverna... I love that place. A classmate introduced me to one, as its a family chain and they have one in Baltimore too. We are going to get a bunch of yummies to share and then maybe take a stroll around Conn Ave to look at the lights. I'm going to drive him back to the commuter bus stop, since he takes the commuter bus into DC. It'll be good to spend some time with him.

I've also been talking to a new guy, J. J lives in NJ, not too far away, but he's a lot of fun. We seem to have a lot in common, and we've been emailing back in forth at work and in the evening. Its not weird, moving too fast emails, like I had before with K and D. Actually its more fun, laugh out loud, corny emails... somehow we got on the topic of childhood toys the other day and I came out with, "Barbie dated He-man for awhile, but he dropped her after she wanted to turn castle Greyskull into castle Pinkskull".... he picked it right up from there and went into other nonsense. I like people that I can have silly banter with that makes no sense, because its fun for me. That banter is what makes me feel connected. I didn't feel that with K (plus he kisses like a wet vacuum), and D has just become weird... I have stopped actively engaging him in conversation awhile ago, and his texts now are random. GOOFY! But F is hanging in there with me - this is date number 5! We already planned date number 6 next week, we are going to 5Rhythms again! :)

Okay..... off to a meeting offsite for the rest of the day!

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