Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Robert Frost Quote

"Forgive me my nonsense, as I forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense."

I was reading more in "Your Sacred Path," as I am on the chapter about ego. The chapter started with the above quote and I had a good giggle. Its amazing what some of things messages we tell ourselves are, and I am amazed at my own every time.

There were bullets of typical ego pitfalls, and one that I didn't think about before, but one I can own is passing a judgement of, "I would never do that...." or "I would never say that," or "I would never act that way." Those statements are actually putting superiority above someone else, which is a huge function of the ego. The ego's function is to keep us from our divine selves, as it is driven by fear.

One method to counter it is to practice "love." Meaning every time you encounter someone during your day, immediately think love. This gives you peace, and changes your interaction with that person. It allows the Christ in you to see the Christ in others. Very inspiring!

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