Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Odd Day

I am so proud of myself - I actually ran on the treadmill last night. Okay, it was only for 2 and 1/2 minutes, but it was still running. I was speed walking and reading articles for class, and after I finished the article I felt like running. So I did. I always worry about running because its supposed to be 4x your weight coming down on your knees when you run - which is a hell of a lot of weight for someone my size! But it felt awesome!

Today I woke up to hear that I am trapped in my neighborhood. Making a right onto Eastern Ave would bring you to down power line and a flood, and to the left is an over-turned car and a almost two hour backup to get out that way. CRAZY! I decided to stay and work from home in the morning until noon.

I got a good start on my Tab 4 at my work project for 2 hours, before breaking to work on homework for an hour. I have a draft of the presentation that I sent to my classmate, but we both don't want to work on it.

Plus I have bingo tonight - so I'll be talking to her later this evening about it. Oh well - it will be done! hehe

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