Saturday, October 3, 2009

It is a full moon. But I found Alpacas!

Ever since Thursday everything has been incredibly surreal, so instead of crying, I've been wandering around muttering to myself wondering if it is a full moon? Well, it is! Which has had me laughing! Its amazing what you will notice if you are paying attention.

Let me back up to Thursday. I had a great dinner with my friend Owen, whom I dated about 6 years ago. For some reason recently a lot of my old dates/boyfriends are showing back up and I guess we are catching either other up. I guess the saying is true, that alike energy will attract itself, as I'm back into being who I was about 6 years ago, or getting there, and the same people are starting to show up. Back then I was dating a lot, having a lot of fun, and really enjoying myself.

Friday brought a surprise text message, which was an image of my friends' marriage certificate. Ryan and Heather decided not to wait, and instead do an intimate affair, Caps style, at the courthouse on Friday, and they tied the knot! EXCELLENT! I am so happy for them. I met up with them later in the evening, and we had a low-key evening over apps at Red Brick with a lot of laughter. They are having a larger ceremony so everyone can be there in the Spring, but I am so happy for them.

Today had me off on a mission to get into the Fall spirit. Actually, now that I think about it, today is the 1 year anniversary of when I met Sam. Interesting he got back into touch with me a few days ago... I wonder if he even realizes. Anyway, the kick-off to the fall spirit is the Darlington Apple Festival. It is always very crowded, with a lot of fun, food, and people. We had such good weather, and this time my cousin TJ was able to come with us. He had planned to spend the whole day with me, and his comment was "I didn't realize that going out with you is such an adventure!"

The fun started when we arrived, but kicked off as we were leaving and I was carrying my mother's new broom. My cousin RoseCarol was also carrying one around. Two local police officers were standing there, saw me with the broom and couldn't help but start commenting. "You know, this isn't the season for a woman to be carrying around a broom! We'll start getting ideas. I saw a movie about that once, and it didn't end so good, something about water." To which I responded, "Yeah, it ended poorly." The other cop started cracking up, and said, "She's quick!" Then nudged the other guy, "Get it, poorly - because they poured water on her." They chatted with us on the way out, until the saw the other cop directing traffic, and he started with the broom jokes, asking if he can give it to his wife. I bet they used those lines all day.

On the way in, I saw signs for an Alpaca Farm Day, and I kept hinting to go (my knitting habit needed feeding). As we were leaving, I was driving, so I just decided to go! I had no idea there was a farm so close - they have a herd of about 100 head! They let us into the pen, and the woman showed me her yarn. It was not as good at the yarn I got in Bethel, but they were a different type of Alpaca. This yarn is slightly more coarse. I got to wander around with them, and Serenade made friends with me. She was a white Alpaca with brown cheeks. So incredibly sweet! She let me pet her, and I tried to talk her into going home with me and getting into the back of the car, but she wasn't budging.

The family and I left there and headed to the Carroll County Farm Fest, which was a dud. There weren't many vendors, and it was about to close. But I did see some cloggers and a corn gun. I could have shot corn on the cob at targets, but I decided to pass. We ended the evening back at my Aunt's new house, were I spent time showing my younger cousin yoga, playing with her dog, and impressing my family with my flexibility. Good times! hehe

Here are the pics from the event:

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