Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Not a typical situation

So, time to come clean... I've been talking to 8 different guys. I won't be one of those women who blogs about them here, but it seems that I have 4 in the top running.

My ENFP is working against me, as I keep adding more and start to really like them. I have a date with one of them tomorrow night, and we are already talking about plans for Saturday. He's the front-runner, as we have so much in common. I already went out with one last Friday to the 5Rhythms, and the other two have also asked me out. Or rather, wanted to know when I'm free so they can take me to dinner. One is thinking about this coming Friday, and I told the other one to give me a call and we will plan something.

I'm not used to all of this attention - but I like it. I was telling some of my friends and coworkers that I normally date men who are emotionally unavailable. All they want is either a booty-call (I don't deliver) or they want to keep me at arm's length because they don't want a serious relationship. Usually I am the one that has to continue to reach out and make contact, or plan something for us to do. This time.... not so much! The front-runner and I have been talking non-stop since earlier this week, even texting each other during the day. He is ready and willing to be a boyfriend. And he's totally into me. He even sends me emails with pictures of flowers, and a "thinking of you." He's clear about it, and I don't have to ask my friends if they think he's into me - he is. The other one emails me long involved emails, where we've been able to intellectually connect. He really wants to know about me, and what I think. Which is refreshing - I usually spend my time trying to find out what they think, and not really talking about me.

I'm going to meet both of them, to see which one I click with in person. And I may end up meeting the other 2 of the 4 that are in the lead.

It feels good.

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