Monday, October 19, 2009

Murphy's Law Kind of Weekend

I had great practice this weekend going with the flow and flexing my style! hehe

So, Friday, after class, it is like herding cats to get everyone wrapped up who needed a ride back to the hotel. 5Rhythms started at 8pm, and class did not get out until 6pm. Then the two people who needed a ride back with me to the hotel had to speak to the professors and got lost in conversation with others. We didn't leave until after 6:30pm, and I had to drive all the way into Arlington, by the Pentagon, to check into my hotel, change my clothes, etc. Traffic was horrible, because it was rainy and yucky, so trying to get over the Key Bridge from Georgetown into VA was a nightmare. Then we took the wrong turn, as my human navigator is really good at finding the directions, but not really good at paying attention to where we are in relation to the directions, and that I have to turn. We finally found where we were going, but we didn't get to the hotel until after 7:15.

Ginny and I ran back to the car, and since she is not used to navigating, we got lost going to the 5Rhythms. The roads weren't marked clearly as North or South, and we weren't familiar with the area, so we went the wrong way. I knew we were headed in the right direction to get to the area we were headed in, but we had a lovely tour of Arlington in the process. Once we got our blackberry GPS working, we were able to find the road and make it there. One of my new friends was running late too, but he did arrive around the same time that we did - which was about 8:30pm. It was nice to finally meet him, and I think we are going to go out again. I didn't get home to after midnight, because I had to take Ginny back to her hotel in downtown DC, then make my way to Arlington.

Saturday. At 6:30am, I woke to hear rushing water. After deciding that it really was in my room, and I wasn't dreaming... I went into the bathroom to see water pouring out of the heat lamp that is over the shower in my room. I called the front desk, and they finally sent someone around 7:15am. I had to be ready to go by 7:50am to leave for school, and wasn't sure if I would make it. I got ready in record time, then we encountered "Bike DC." Even though it was pouring cats and dogs, they still closed off all of the streets and bridges into DC to prepare. Only about 3 of the cohort members made it to class on time..... the rest of us were over an hour late, and I got a lovely tour of DC in the process.

They were going to order lunch in for us, but the order-taxi service would not order it until noon. At noon, we called in, but they were not delivering from the restaurant we picked that day, so it was too late to have something ordered, since we were all starving. So we ended up going to lunch on our own. The evening picked back up, as we had a great time out together over dinner.

Sunday was uneventful in comparison to the first two days, and the sky cleared up! Yay!

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