Wednesday, July 23, 2008

feedback zen

Yeah, so the bowling game last night, that sucked! hehe I did break 100 on two of the games, but we went on to lose. The one guy on the other team was getting strike after strike, bowling well over 200. But at least he was nice about it, and was likable, so we didn't feel bad losing to him.

I have feedback to give to someone, and I don't think it will be well received. So I'm going to share it here, in hopes that someday that person will see it, and realize it is a valuable piece of advice. Here we go:

"It's great that you like to stay in the moment and be swept away by it; but stop leaping with your eyes closed! Rushing forward isn't going to solve anything in the long run. Don't get involved too quickly, as that is what seems to be the sticking point of trouble."

My friend Ryan and I cracked ourselves up at bowling last night. He was going for a joke, and cracked his own self up over it, which made me hysterical - he was practically crying he was laughing so hard. So, now I have a new weekly feature in my blog, "Ryan's Moment of Zen".

Ryan's Moment of Zen:

Going commando doesn't always involve carrying a gun.

I can't remember the monkey one that had us laughing, but as soon as I hear it again, I'll make sure to share.

Oh well - off to start the crazy work day - I have a nasty facilitation to do, (as in this could possibly turn hazardous to my mental health); I'll be sharing how that goes later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It's great that you like to stay in the moment and be swept away by it; but stop leaping with your eyes closed! Rushing forward isn't going to solve anything in the long run. Don't get involved too quickly, as that is what seems to be the sticking point of trouble."

This is advice I've given myself everyday for the past 7 or 8 months :)