Sunday, July 13, 2008

Initiate Drama-Free Zone

Phase 2: Set up a drama-free zone

Activate in 3..2..1 {ACTIVATED}

There is now an invisible shield 20 feet wide in a sweeping arch around me that keeps the drama out. If you are currently within the field and have drama on you, you have 20 minutes to use the exits located at the front and back of Amy to remove yourself. All violators will be prosecuted, persecuted, and made to cry.

Sometimes my imagination runs away from me, and I have to chuckle at what it comes up with. But it's the truth. I had validation this weekend, once again, that what I've been preaching for years is correct. I don't know if people are afraid to hear what I'm saying, but I do this work for a living, so I really know what I'm talking about. Once again, here is the message:

You should not be in a relationship with someone who cannot give you unconditional love. Agape love is the ultimate level of love, and if someone plays games with your head, makes you chase them, jump through hoops, or feel insecure about their feelings toward you - they are NOT the right person for you. RUN AWAY! They are not capable of loving you fully.

I have friends who can argue on both sides of the following comment, but maybe I'm just a little more mature about things in relationships then they are. I've come to the conclusion that my ex boyfriend was bored with me. Why? Because I didn't give him drama. I didn't make him chase me, I did what I said I would do, I didn't pick fights, I didn't make him jealous, I supported how he wanted to live his life, and I loved him for who he was - without trying to change him. That's a scary thing for someone who isn't ready for it.

But in all honesty, I'm over it, and I don't want to dwell/talk about it anymore. The past is best left in the past. There are so many new things that I am moving toward, and so many new people that I'm meeting, that I don't need dysfunction in my life. My happiness depends on it. And frankly, if drama starts sparking around me, I'm walking away.

Anyway, the only drama that I currently want around me, is the comedic variety that I create for myself. Example: Yesterday I bought a new baby oil gel in lavender to put on after bathing. I used it this morning, went to mass, and proceeded to slip and slide off the kneeler - to which I finally had to brace myself on the pew, so it wouldn't happen again. There were some extreme giggles involved from those sitting around me, as it was pretty funny! hehehe :) As my friend David would say, these sorts of situations sit around and wait for me to happen by! hehe

Laughing at yourself is a great pastime!


Anonymous said...

Your right. I've been taking my time and working on things to not be a drama creator anymore. It is not right and it never works in the end. The answer I've found is being okay with who I am. And I'm zipping my lip about the past too, time to move on from all the stuff that didn't work and find things that do :) Your blog was a great reminder to keep me on track. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hulla Hoop