Thursday, July 17, 2008


I think Focus Groups only go well when the audience participating actually knows what it is we are talking about. It's an endless balance of trying to figure out when the precise moment is to question people about a topic. Evaluations are similar, as the literature states that you should wait for application of the transfer of knowledge to be performed at the work place, before asking if it was helpful. But so often we evaluate right after a learning event, and folks really haven't had time to process it.

I have to say, this time, they waited way too long.. 2 years too long to be precise. The general idea of gathering data about the topic is a good one, but this is a process that only happens every 2 years, and frankly gets put aside once the after-work is completed.

Speaking of after-work, or rather reflection work of any kind, I had a comment left on my journal on my okcupid account about my "5 Women Men Avoid" blog. It was in response to my question if I was on target with my self-reflection or misguided. The comment's insight was based on the idea that only non-crazy people reflect on themselves, crazy people don't do reflection. Which means, I'm officially a non-crazy by that definition! hehe :)

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