Sunday, July 6, 2008


Apparently, I have a thing for panties. I just bought some more cute ones today, and I decided in light of the purchase, to clean out my underwear drawer. I don't know how they all fit in there - and that's just the first drawer! Yes... I have 3 drawers total, but I never realized it was a problem. I just like pretty things. ;)

I got my haircut today. I've been thinking about cutting it for awhile, but really didn't know what I wanted. I decided that today was the day, but my usual place was booked solid. I walked next door to the Ulta store, and met this wonderful stylist named Anne. I highly recommend her! She's quirky like me, but she did an amazing job! My hair is now short in the back, stacked slightly, and angled down to the front. But because of my fear of looking like a pumpkin head, the front actually is longer, touching my shoulders. It is very flattering! I apparently had an admirer while getting my hair cut. Anne whispered that some hot guy was standing there for awhile watching - she thought he was with me. Alas, no.

I don't know where this weekend went. It took its time getting here, then flew by! I have a lot going on at work too. Monday is going to be spent writing an outline for a workshop that I'm doing for my client's manager's meeting. They want to do team-building (everyone wants team-building), but they aren't a team. They are just a group of people who have similar jobs, who all attend the same meeting. Considering that this is the Manager's Meeting - they don't even make decisions about work related issues. Everything trickles down from the top... so this should be a fun and exciting workshop. (Can you hear the sarcasm?) It becomes tricky, because I can either treat them like a team - and work the discussion with them. Or I can teach them tricks/possible stumbling-blocks from working with their teams back in their offices. Their leadership wants both, but I think I talked them down off of that ledge when I reminded them that I only have an hour and 1/2. I have to go back to my notes and see what we finally decided.

A man I've been talking to found this website online... Basically, it's a 14k gold pin with the letters TTM. You are supposed to wear it, so that other people will know you are available when you are out in public. "Available" meaning free and open to dating. Why did I not think about this first? I could be rich!


tralatrala said...

I want to see your hair please! :)

Anonymous said...

I think we have the same hair style...