Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lost another 3.5!!!

That makes it 16.75 lbs total!

(My male readers may want to close their eyes and skip down to the next paragraph!) It's always great to get weighed-in after having a monthly visitor, the weight drops considerably! :)

Today is my friend Michelle's birthday - big shout-outs to her! I'd sing, but my singing voice doesn't stream across the Internet very well... maybe when technology advances it would be better. hehee :)

Tonight we bowl the scary team. They are very good, being led by an amazing bowler who's a real big ass. He's incredibly aggressive and has a cocky attitude, but I'm not going to let that allow us to have a defeatism attitude. It's all about making the choice to choose our attitudes.

Actually, I was thinking about this on my drive to work this morning. I think I discovered the secret to life, I just need to use that to my marketing advantage and become a famous author and inspirational speaker. I've been trying to poke holes into my theory, but I haven't found one yet... I'll post more about it when I've been able to completely think it out. I may just be on to something :)

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