Tuesday, July 8, 2008


It worked!

I mentioned last week in one of my blogs that my client needed to have a very difficult conversation with the medical director of the facility in order to correct the poor behavior of the physicians. They were resistant, as they felt he would not be on board with the idea of correcting the behavior, and would give them a lot of push back.

I met with them last week, and basically told them that I can't help them unless the conversation happens with him, and he's on board with the changes. None of the work I would do with the MA's would work, if the physicians were allowed to continue acting that way. They were supposed to talk with him on Thursday afternoon to gain buy-in.

In the meantime, I drafted a contract of services, which my boss was really proud of. She told me that I was the first one to write one that she didn't need to fix, or append some of the language - which knowing her, is a big thing. In the contract under client responsibilities, I made sure to include mandatory meetings with physicians to discuss their behavior, and to ensure 100% attendance at these meetings. Also, the internal medicine physicians were to meet and decide on a process for intake, and standardize any other patient procedures so they are consistently documenting and working in the same manner. I also asked that the President provide time for them to meet without affecting their pay (they only get paid based on the number of patients they see).

In exchange, I would coach the managers on any difficult conversations with employees, facilitate/mediate each individual team meeting, and assist the teams with writing action plans for change.


The meetings are mandatory, with the promise of financial disciplinary action if not attending. The President will pay them during the meeting. The lead doctor in internal medicine has a meeting scheduled with the rest of the physicians to discuss procedures and intake... and I'm meeting with each team starting in August to mediate their discussions!

I talked to my client yesterday, and she told me that on Thursday, she and her director laid out the entire plan to the medical director, and he agreed right away.

It's great when a plan comes together!!!

I'm so excited! :)

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