Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Beginning...

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Wow, isn't that a cliche statement? Yet, it works.

It's my 29th Birthday!! As this is my last year ever in my 20s, I'm going to live it up. I'm also going to dedicate this year to myself - losing a lot of weight to get really healthy, start my grad program to advance my career, and really work on the goals that I've put on the back burner over the years.

As I start today, I can't help but be reflective of the past year. Last year, on this day, my ex and I were heading up to New York to spend a few days celebrating our birthdays. I had no idea that this past year would change so much. But, I can't help but remember something that I psychic told me last spring. I don't normally subscribe to psychics, but I do think it's all in good fun. This one was different, as she actually was able to tell me specifics (events) that happened in my past, and they weren't broad generalizations.

She told me that I had found the love of my life, and not only reading my palm, but doing the numerology on both of our birthdays, she was able to calculate that we were a high match. I believe her words were that he and I are the only ones who could ever love each other the way that we do. But, she did say that if we were serious, that we would need to get engaged by the end of the year, because if we didn't, it would never happen. Apparently, life goes in 3 year cycles, and I was in the calm and stable section of mine. But he was about to enter the beginning of his 3 year cycle once the new year hit, and without that engagement connection, everything would change. And it did. She said that everything would get in the way, his career, life goals, and that making a life long commitment would be the furthest thing from his mind. And it is.

She also told me that if we do stay together, and nothing happens in 3 years, I'm to move on, because it never will - but don't stay longer than 3 years. At that time, I took her words to mean that I would never love again after him. But now that I'm in a more reflective state, I can see that she is right. No one can love another person just like someone else. That's what makes us each unique.

One can say this change was foretold, others can say that it was fate, and others can say that the brain of a male never works correctly. I, on the other hand, look at everything I do as a learning experience. And I learned a hell of a lot, and I had fun.

Speaking of learning experiences, while working with my coach last night, he helped me give myself permission to not do everything by the book. As I stated earlier, I choose "leadership" to be my life cause, but I mentioned to him that I really wanted to use "others" or "people" as the cause. I don't like to be boxed in, but the book told me to do that, and to be specific as you start. He helped me realize that my life calling was more than my role, or my job, it's me.

As part of the conversation, he asked me, "what is one thing in your life that you want to change or make better, but feel like you can't?" And I told him that I don't have anything like that. I went on to explain that I look at everything as happening for a reason to teach me something, so I have a choice to be sucked into the negative of it and be a victim, or I can choose to learn something and remain positive. So, I am, where I am, because I put myself there, and if I'm not happy, then it's up to me to fix it. He told me that it was an amazingly healthy attitude to have, and many people take forever to get to that point. It felt good to get praise.

So.. here we go.... Day 1, in my year of 29. It's my birthday, and I'm going to celebrate!

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