Sunday, April 27, 2008

What's in a name?

Sometimes I think humans hear what they need to hear, only when they need to hear it. Interestingly enough, I was feeling very morose this weekend, as I have been for the last few weekends, when I heard the message that I needed to hear.

When I'm sitting in Mass, I try to imagine myself on the receiving end of the scripture reading, and how to reconcile that to my daily life. For the life of me, I can't remember who the letters are to, but there is a set that always begin with the word, "Beloved". My name actually means "beloved" in Latin, so because I'm goofy like that, my ears always perk up during those readings. Today's reading was about love. The author of the reading encouraged the people to love unselfishly and continue to do so, no matter what hardship comes upon you.

My priest, or Fadda, usually shares awesome homilies. He's very down to earth, jokes around, and can laugh at himself - which brings a very different light to what most think a priest is like. My key learning from him today, which I don't think I ever really thought about before, is that Love is active not passive.

He went on to explain that love is not something that happens to you, it's something you have to do - like physically perform. A story was shared about a couple who went to a marriage counselor after 25 years of marriage because they "fell out of love." The husband asked the counselor what to do, because he didn't have that "warm and fuzzy" feeling anymore, or the butterflies that happen when you first meet someone. The counselor simply said, "love your wife." The wife asked the same question, and got the same response. They were very confused, and said that they don't "feel" love - so how can they do it? The counselor went on to explain that love is an action, and the "warm and fuzzy" feeling is just a bi-product of the action of love. When you start showing your love for your spouse, then those feelings will come back. Those "feel good" feelings are derived from giving unselfishly, which is love. He went on to say that it isn't that you fell out of love, you just stopped doing loving things toward your wife and started living selfishly.

I think that's a hard lesson that takes a lifetime to learn. But I try to love that way, and show my love to everyone as much as possible.

One thing that has kept me sane is the Serenity Prayer:

"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

I was in Hallmark earlier today, purchasing a card for one of my students that I am sponsoring for Confirmation, and I saw that prayer designed in a charm bracelet. Each stone symbolizes a piece of the prayer, and I think this particular student really needs to hear that message... as many of us do. Hopefully she will cherish that gift!


I am so very thankful for my friends. They took me out last night for an early birthday celebration - and we had a really great time! I love you guys!!!!!!! :)


Today was Bullroast number 2 - which was a blast! It's not as many.. um.. characters, as the one from Friday night, but the food was excellent. A swing number came on, and I pulled Fadda on the dance floor. We had the entire floor to ourselves, and turned into the live entertainment portion of the afternoon! 1/2 way through we were ready for it to be over, as we both thought we were going to have heart attacks - but it was great fun! On the way out, he so casually slipped in - "By the way, you're on Parish Council this year!" I love not having choices in things! :) But it should be a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to it!

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