Monday, April 21, 2008

The Path - Part 1

I think I found the book that is actually going to change my life. As I began reading it this weekend, and overwhelming sense of clarity and purpose came upon me.

The author, Laurie Beth Jones, explains that once you have your Personal Mission Statement, everything in life becomes so much clearer. You now have a "bar" in which to measure every decision both in your personal and professional life. You simply have to ask the question, "Does the outcome of this decision contribute to my personal mission?" And, if the answer is "no", then you know you shouldn't be doing it.

Jones explains also that it's okay to not know right in this moment what you want your life to be. Just being open to the discovery of what if could be puts you in the correct "mind-space" to undertake these exercises.

I'm in the process of completing the first exercise which is about connecting yourself to an element. I'm sure if I shared this verbally with my friends most would think I've jumped off the deep-end, and this is a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. But, to each their own!

Out of Earth, Wind, Air, and Water, I am to select one that most resonates with me. Then in at least 12 words, I am to describe that element. Then in at least 12 more words, I am to describe what that element "does". This exercise helps you verbalize your strengths in words that are common and grounded. They not only convey a verbal message, but a visual one.

After writing my words, I'm to combine all 24 and reflect on them for about a month. Also, add any words that come to mind during the reflection.

The interesting twist is to get someone in your life who has no influence on the outcome, and have them do the same exercise about you. They suggest using someone who knows you well, but your actions won't influence their life - so don't use a parent, spouse, or boss. See what element they would pick for you, and the words to describe it. This may show you how the world perceives you... which may very well be in conflict with how you perceive yourself.

I think my element is Earth. I'm in the process of writing my words, but I'm going to ask one of my trusted work friends to complete this for me as well. I may actually ask a few people to do this, to see if I can gain common themes.

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