Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Joining the Bowling League!

Ry and I have been friends since we were 6 years old when we met in first grade... and I think its been since then that we've had a bowling rivalry! To this day we still talk about the 7-10 split that I nailed after he bet me all the money in his wallet - he never made that bet again.

Anyway, his girlfriend is pulling together a team with her coworkers, and since they needed one more, I got asked - yay! I haven't bowled on a league since I was about 8, and that was duckpin bowling. But this should be a lot of fun, plus I get to meet a whole bunch of new people - yay!


Today was Day 3 of my Presentation Skills Course and I had a technical learning moment - remember the size of the completed mpeg is probably going to be larger than the CD you intend to burn!

I had the great idea to actually use the technology we purchased with the digital video/photo camera. Taking the time to test it extensively yesterday, I wasn't anticipating that the files would be larger than 700MBs. Most weren't, but 3 were, and I was able to put the one over 1.3Gs on her jump drive. The other two I had to email... which I am now expecting a phone call from the Lotus Notes team to yell at me shortly about. Hey, if they aren't going to give me FTP space, or create a network drive for me to pass that sort of information through - then it's their fault!


Apparently "Bad Karma" is surrounding my boss, and it seems that everything that can go wrong - is. She's had some very bad interviews, a crazy lady we interviewed actually lives in her neighborhood and searched her out with her equally crazy dog, the temp isn't working out as she shares waaaaay to much personal information, and one of the companies who said we can use their materials is nowt threatening to sue us for their use. WHAT A WEEK!


On a happy note, one more week to my BIRTHDAY! Apparently this is called a "Golden Birthday" according to wikipedia, because the age I'm going to be is actually the same as the day I was born - 29 on the 29th.

I'm getting together with some friends to celebrate on Saturday night, as I have two Bull/Oyster/Shrimp feasts - one on Friday and one on Sunday to attend. The following weekend my mom is taking me to see a play at Center Stage, and then out to dinner.

It's amazing, as I had anticipated obviously spending this special time with my ex, as his birthday is the day before mine, and it's his "Golden Birthday" too. I miss him, but shit happens, and I'm moving on pulling it all back together. Choose your attitude!

1 comment:

tralatrala said...

Hey! My 30th was a golden birthday, and I didn't even know there was such a thing!