Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Crafty Projects

My birthday resolution this year is to finish my craft projects. Actually, this was one of the items on my list of tolerations that I gave me coach that I want to work on. A toleration is something that is unfinished or needs some sort of attention. But, you are tolerating it, because it doesn't energize or excite you. My issue is that I take on too large of projects.

Or... better yet, something else comes along and I want to work on it. Currently I'm making my mom a bows & arrows stole/shawl, a baby bunny buddy blankey for a coworker, and I was making an afghan for my ex.

This winter I was into hat making. I've made 4, as they are really easy to knit in a round and felt.

Anyway, here's a few pictures of my work.

1 comment:

tralatrala said...

I swore this year that I would never have more than two projects going at a time...that lasted a month. I have so many projects to finish!