Monday, April 14, 2008

Letter of Intent...

I'm so proud of myself, the last thing I need to do for my graduate school application is my 1-2 page letter of intent. Which has been circulating in my head for a few days now, but I just don't know how to get it started.

Luckily - I have a career coach! My meeting with Matt tonight went well, as I didn't cry! Yes, I've cried on him twice now, and not in a "I'm sad and miserable" kind of way, just sobbing when he asked me what my legacy was to the world and I turned into a blubbering idiot crying, "I just want to help people!" It's actually funny to hear the impression of myself in person, as I'm not a pretty crier.

He directed me to a book called The Path, which focuses on helping someone write a personal mission statement for their life. I haven't read it, but I'm definitely going to get it. He said that the author has 3 requirements about a mission statement:
  1. It has to be one sentence.
  2. It has to be written so a 5th grader can understand it.
  3. You have to be able to recite it at gunpoint.

My worry about the letter is a fear of coming across writing something that was total BS. As I did in most of my college papers that got A's. It works, but in a program that is based on self-mastery, and having a central focus and awareness of yourself, I think that would come out quickly to my professors. But I want to stand out among my peers and get accepted.

Matt reminded me of something, and sometimes again my perception and what is reality can be skewed. He told me that in his 4 meetings with me, I have been nothing but sincere and genuine, and never tried to pass a falsehood on to him about anything. He told me to write from the heart, because that is where the true intent lies.

I feel a kinship with him, as he seems to be coming from the same place internally that I am. And, you can't go wrong with a man who's wife loves my favorite show, "Dancing with the Stars!" He also reminded me to take my passions and add my strengths and that is where my true happiness will lie.

Pretty heavy stuff for a Monday night!

PS - I'm going to get my passport tomorrow - look out world, here comes AMY! :) (and she's wearing her tap shoes, and offering to knit you something!)


tralatrala said...

knit me baby stuff!

You know you really are one of the most genuine person I know! Just write and don't over think :)

tralatrala said...

haha Ok you're one of the most genuin people I brain is challenged by grammar.