Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Diamond in the Rough

I have a few secret additions, one being the Travel Channel, the other the Food Network. One of my favorite shows on the Travel Channel is called "Cash and Treasures".

About a year ago I was watching Cash and Treasures and the host took the viewer to Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas. I was captivated that such a place even existed! Basically you pay a small fee, and then you get to keep whatever diamonds you find by digging in the group. It's hard, back breaking work, but the payoff can be huge! It's the only place of it's kind open to the public in the entire world.

I have been wanting to go, but my ex would always roll his eyes at the thought of digging in the mud without a guaranteed payoff.

But... that got me to thinking... does anything in life have a guarantee? And unfortunately it doesn't. I'm a planner by nature, but I can't control what actually happens when it happens. I guess this goes back to the age old question, do you leap or not without knowing what you are leaping into?

Anyway... I really want to go dig for diamonds.. just to have the life experience that I've done it!

Would anyone like to come with me?

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