Friday, April 25, 2008

I have a crush... on you!

Actually I think it's more likely that I have a crush on life.

I haven't been giddy with excitement in a really long time, and for some reason the last few days have had me all amok. Nothing has really happened that would necessarily trigger this feeling; maybe it's the warm weather, the flowers, working out at the gym, my birthday coming up, or just change in general. It may also be my weekend plans, and knowing that I'll have a lot of comedic material to share from my adventures!

But, I do miss having a crush on a hot guy.... however, I do know a few who are crush worthy, so maybe I should call them and giggle on the phone for 5 minutes. Or maybe, I'll just set up a teleconference, and giggle with all of them at once! No, I have to make them feel like they are individuals, so I'll just text them.... hehehehehe See - I'm making no sense, but laughing hysterically at myself!

It is Friday after all.... maybe I can just blame it on that!

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