Thursday, April 10, 2008

Presentation Skills...

The first of a three day workshop that I facilitate on Presentation Skills was today. It's always interesting to meet the new group of people that I will be spending a good chunk of my time with over the next 3 weeks, on various days. This time the group was all female, which adds to a very different dynamic than when I have a few males in the group.

My co-worker, who spent many years presenting about female empowerment, would be very proud of me as I felt myself take on the role of coach for these women. It was a different sense then normal, as I usually just coach on the topic that I'm teaching. But, I think it was a combination of "where I am right now" and "where they are right now" and "what they needed to hear from me" that all came together very nicely.

One woman offered me a compliment as she was leaving this afternoon by saying that she really enjoyed my spirit. I guess I looked at her oddly because she went on to explain that she was very apprehensive about coming to the class, but she immediately felt warm and safe in the environment that I created. She said that how I kept encouraging all of them and remaining positive, really helped them relax and be open to presenting.

Another woman, a transplant who has English as her second language, told me over the lunch break that in all of her schooling, she's never had someone teach like I do, and has never had so much fun. This was the first time that she ever experienced fun and learning at the same time, and she just wants me to keep going on and on.

I blame all of this on the jelly beans! I don't know how it happened, but since yesterday I have had so much joy in my heart. While waiting for things to print at the office, I was dancing up and down the hallway. It got even "worse" when I went to BINGO (yes, 28 year old females like BINGO too) last night. BINGO is a monthly family event, where I think any cousin of mine that lives in a 15 mile radius shows up. Any event that ends with me swing dancing with my priest in the middle of the Cafauditorinasim (Cafeteria, Auditorium, Gymnasium for those non-private school kids) - is an evening to be happy about!

I found this picture on my other favorite website and it just makes me smile!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like your "elphernan" aka elephant. his name should be tyler, after my purple flower-eared elphernan. ~~michelle :)