Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sick Day!

I woke up around 3:00am this morning not feeling well at all. I finally fell back to sleep around 5am, after being sick. I promptly emailed work and advised them that I wouldn't be in today.

However, I woke up around 8:30am refreshed and felling much better. I went with mom to get our passports, which was an interesting adventure. For those who are in the process of getting one, or are about to get one, here are few things that I didn't know:

  • You need to pay the state department via a check. They tell you it's a $100 fee, but $75 goes to the US Dept of State for the processing of the passport. If you don't bring a check, then you can use your debit card to purchase a money order at the Post Office, which has an extra fee attached.
  • The $25 fee goes to the Post Office, for their processing, and that is payable in any fashion.
  • Your birth certificate is sent away with your passport application. Which, really wouldn't concern me, but he just laid both of ours in a pile... so hopefully it comes back to me!
After that, I headed to the mall to look for "The Path" which I mentioned in my previous post. The online inventory for the evil bookstore (they will always be referred to as the evil bookstore because I worked for the OTHER bookstore for 5 years, which is no longer in the mall) lied. The lady at the front desk tried to tell me that the online inventory only lets you search super-stores, but I clearly picked the one I was going to online. CRAZY!

Anyway, I grabbed a bagel, sat in the food court and people watched for awhile, before heading to the craft store. I had finished one "baby buddy bunny blankey" for a co worker's baby, but it's really small. So I bought more yarn to knit a larger one - yay! Knitting is so very relaxing...

Then... I had a lovely nap.

My "in the moment" learning is that it's okay to take a sick day once in awhile, even if you are well. It's a mental health day!

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