Friday, August 7, 2009


I'm having trouble focusing on doing my homework. I have to do some of the work for my paper now because I have to do a brief presentation on the information I gathered so far next Sunday in class. But I haven't done any of it.

I'm not interested in the subject matter of strategic planning at all, and the idea of doing homework when the weather has been amazing isn't fun. I also need to get my portfolio together for my mid-year review. I don't want to do that either! That involves me getting on my home computer and sending the files to work so I can print them out here.... since my printer doesn't work at home.

I keep thinking about what I want to do instead, and I just really want to focus on me. I want to sit outside in the cool breeze, enjoying the weather, and do yoga. That's all I want to do. Or go out with friends and have an excellent time... although a combination of both would be wonderful. I now understand what my friend Stephanie said about getting to the point of not caring anymore and just doing what you want. But in order to live the life I want, I have to do things I don't want in order to make money... i.e. work. I do want to work, but I would much rather do it on my terms. I can't wait until I graduate!

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