Thursday, August 20, 2009


I've been on the Raw Foods diet for two weeks now, and except for small cheating over the weekend when I had my veggie sandwich on a bagel, I've been really sticking to it! I'm not completely raw, as I still eat meat for dinner (cooked) but I've cut out all processed food, dairy, and white flour. I'm just eating fruits and veggies all day (raw) and then having meat and cooked veggies with dinner. I'm also drinking A LOT of water. I thought I had to pee a lot before... WOW!

So, what changes have I noticed?

Well, I have more energy and focus. Its hard to explain, but it is almost like I have a bank of energy stored. When I'm working I'm very relaxed, and almost zoned out, but come by my desk and start talking to me and I'm full of energy to talk about any topic. When I'm at the gym, my 30 minutes on the elliptical goes by quickly with me running even faster and farther. I'm burning 100 more calories on the machine without hardly any extra effort or breathing heavy. I think I'm going to extend it to 45mins to up the calorie burn. My focus has been great - I don't even have to listen to music when I'm at the gym to keep me entertained... and instead of multitasking to keep myself busy while working on things, I can focus into it clearly.

My skin looks soft, fresh, and dewy. My hair is also very shiny and soft. I've lost 6lbs so far in the week and 1/2 I've been on it. I feel lean... if lean is a feeling to be had. I'm getting really good sleep, and I feel more tranquil.

Overall, I think its a good idea and I will continue on it.

I've also started reading a new book, "How Not to be Afraid of Your Own Life" by Susan Piver. I picked it up at the library as it has a meditation and Buddhist slant to it. One way she has helped me get back into my body so far is through a few simple tasks with the senses. The first being listening - just stop and listen to all the sounds you hear, wherever you are. Don't judge them, or figure out what they are, or people are saying, just hear them. Another is touch... I stood in the shower this morning, and instead of rushing to get the towel and drying, I stood there and let myself feel the droplets of water as they ran over my body. Amazing and tingly feeling. That is what it means by staying present in the moment, with full meditative focused attention. Meditation isn't about making your mind blank, its about becoming fully aware of the present moment and not moving into autopilot. Neat stuff!

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