Thursday, August 6, 2009

Raw Foods and Buddah

No, the two aren't suggested as a path together, but as I read more about both I am drawn to them.

Buddhist philosophy with a purely Christian feel is what I am after. I went to the library yesterday and picked up a few books on meditation and one that I'm finding interesting is called the "Yoga of Jesus." The author explores the idea of what happened to Jesus during the time he wasn't written about in the Gospels, and based on ancient texts the theory is that he went to find the Magi in India. "Christ" is a title that is used to describe Jesus, as it means a true union with the Truth which is God. The author argues that Jesus was fully enlightened, and was a manifestation of God on earth, but we have the power to become like Christ by connecting with the inner vibrations of our Truth. Basically the idea is that in everything there is God, and connecting back to that is what is truly needed. God resides in all of us, and through connecting with that piece of ourselves is living in the Kingdom of God. The author also explains (in a larger work he wrote) line-by-line every piece of the Gospels and what Jesus truly meant by his teachings... of how to love everyone and find God within us.

The Raw Foods diet is a separate piece that I stumbled upon, but it makes so much sense to me. The idea is that our bodies, although evolved, really aren't meant to digest processed food. Its not sure what to do with the extra chemicals and toxins, so they end up getting stored in the cells, considering that I body can't keep up with the elimination of these things. We are tired because our body spends most of its energy digesting the food, and if we put food in our bodies that it is meant to have, we'll have more energy for our lives. Its also supposed to prevent disease and some cancers, increase the skin appearance and help with weight loss. The author of the diet explores the ideas that waste=weight. The extra weight we carry is because we have all of these toxins and chemicals stored as fat in the body.

I'm going to start the diet this coming week, and I'll be blogging about how it goes. A healthy change for me!

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