Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Secret too

I'm full of nervous energy as I get ready to go to speed dating tonight... the usual concerns of "what will I say?" "will they like me?" "oh lord, what if no one picks me?" are passing through my head. But then I've been thinking that it doesn't really matter, I'm just there to have fun.

My hair looks like crap. No, I'm not being harsh, I just need to get into a routine of how to best fix it for the new cut I have. I've been going for the wavy look, but with the humidity it falls by mid-afternoon and looks limp. Maybe I should just start wearing it curled under like I normally do.

I also know now that "The Secret" really works. I tried the feather experiment, which I started thinking about a few weeks ago. I wanted a feather to appear to know that it works... when I came out this morning there was a feather on the hood of my car. Yeah it didn't happen right away, but it happened. On the way over the office today I was using it to hope for a parking space in front of the door... there was one waiting for me when I got here!

Now I'm going to test it out for tonight... I don't know what I'm going to wish for yet, but it'll work itself out! hehe

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