Friday, June 13, 2008

Amy is now all a'Twitter!

I was reading an article on yesterday which was explaining how the use of technology can quickly derail a presentation. Not that the equipment would malfunction, but that since everyone is now using social networks, comments start flying quickly about the speaker.

The story was covering the recent interview that occurred with facebook's creator at a conference. Most of the technology advanced audience had an account with Twitter which led to comments galore about the interviewer's interviewing ability. Using Twitter, anyone in the audience could track the comments other's were making, and it eventually excited the audience so much that they started to heckle her out-loud.

With me being a techno-geek, I had to go see what all the excitement was about. According to Twitter's website, it serves to answer the question, "What are you doing now?" Watching the cute video that explains its purpose, it's supposed to fill in the blanks between blog posts and allow friends an insight into your life that they wouldn't normally have.

It's almost like a "status" change that one would normally do on their facebook or myspace page, but it can be done on the fly from an IM, phone, blackberry, or the actual Twitter website. You can then add the widget to any of your networking/blog pages, which I've done - and you can see to the right. You can then choose people to follow, or people can follow you, and will get status updates as you make them. You can also check out the general board, and see pretty much what anyone in the world is doing at the current moment. I'm nosy!

If anyone would like to start following me, my Twitter is amyu429. Maybe I'll start following you too! :)

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