Tuesday, June 24, 2008

down the pounds go!

WOOO HOOOOOOO! Today is another exciting day, I recooped the 1/2 lb I gained last week, and lost 2.2, so for a total loss so far of 10.7 lbs! My coworkers even commented that I look so much slimmer from the back and sides... I love progress.

Last night at the gym I got sucked into a movie, and the next thing I knew, it was 60 minutes later and I walked 3 miles. I continued with my weight training and then did some pilates on the mat. I could barley walk out of the gym, and I felt like I was still moving when I was standing still - but it was a lot of fun! They need to put the movie channel on more often.

I got a new charger and connection cables for my ipod over the weekend - mine were put "away" and I don't know where "away" is. Which should enable me to get into the zone at the gym more often. Yay! Happy Gym Time!

Hopefully we'll be as successful tonight at bowling - BONSAI! I brought my lucky socks, the ones with the lace around the ankle, so hopefully they will do a great job again.

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