Tuesday, June 10, 2008

the weight loss continues!

So, I thought I'd have to pay into the pot this week during the weigh-in, but I actually lost 2 more lbs! A total of 9 since I started! WOOO HOOO!! I like having goals to work toward, it's fun! Now, let's just work on getting all the pins down at bowling tonight, and I'd be on a roll for the day.

This morning I got here early to do the Fish Vitals session for MPP's New Employee Orientation. It was scheduled to start at 8:30am, but due to technical difficulties, we didn't get started until 9am. I left my laptop up and running when I left the office last night, as IT was coming in to change a few settings, and they didn't reboot after the changes. It was acting all squirrely, so I had to reboot after loading and beginning to project the movie.

Even with the time-waster, I was finished with the group by 9:45am. When the session was originally written, it was designed for interaction between at least 15 people, as that was what we were told to plan for. But, that was just the first session... they really only have about 4 people per month go through this. Three of them drove up from DC this morning, one lady even renting a car because she just metros. Poor planning on MPP's part, hopefully I can convince them to rework the two days, for smaller groups. Fortunately they have online training to do, but that is just a last minute filler. CRAZY!

I need a pedicure. Not that my feet are looking all gnarly, but I can go for the pampering. And a massage, and facial. I'm such a girl when it comes to that stuff, I love beauty treatments! I bought out the Ulta store this weekend, as I'm a rewards member and got a lot of coupons in the mail. Two shopping bags later, I'm stocked up and ready to go. It's funny, as I don't normally wear makeup, I'm a lip gloss kinda girl, unless I'm going somewhere fancy. But I like all the lotions, shampoos, and home facial stuff.

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