Sunday, June 15, 2008

drunk blogging...

I wouldn't really call myself drunk, just "happy" after having an Asian Pear Mojito at PF Chang's. I knew I was gone when I was eating Tam's Noodles and started giggling in my plate. Mom took one look at my flushed face, and knew it was all down hill from there. I really didn't know I was tipsy, as I just had a weird feeling much like I would assume a diabetic feels when their sugar is out of wack, but I quickly realized it was the drink.

My ex always said he knew when I was drunk, as my vocabulary increased by 70% and he quickly learned why my IQ is so high.. apparently I start pontificating at varying intervals and throw around SAT words like I'm getting paid to use them. I think I embellished that slightly, but the vocabulary increase by 70% and IQ thing were all his words. I also start sharing a running stream of conscious and my normal hard-fixed sensor goes out the window. My only problem now, is that I can't spell, so I'm having trouble using the big words in my blog.

Don't ever order Tam's Noodles. I was struck with a eureka moment with the description of them and I thought it would be advantageous to expand my horizons and try something new. My sense of adventure lied to me. They sucked. When they tell you the noodle is "gnocchi-like" in the description, they lied again. It was like eating gummy glutenous slices that have now congealed in my stomach to form one lumpy mass of pain. Be warned, stay clear! They taste good, but the odd texture and trying to masticate them never really happens... they don't break down - its WEIRD! I probably gained back the 9lbs I lost because of this. DAMN the BIGGEST LOSER!

Yesterday was a fun day out on the Blue Pearl - Ryan's boat. The boys talked me into getting into the river around Heart Miller Island... then something touched me and it was all over. I have the weirdest fears in the world - A. Birds, and B. things touching me that I can't see. Also, in my descent into the river I ripped the bottom of my bathing suit. No worries, Josh was kind enough to offer to check it all out for me. I have to wear it one night and show up at his apartment... but I can't remember which apartment he said it was... looks like I'll be meeting all of his neighbors. One of them might offer to help me too. I loved that suit - I looked hot in it.

Please note, SPF 70 kicks ass! I bought the new atomizer kind which went on lightly with no need to rub-in. I only got burnt slightly around my hairline where I didn't apply fully. I'll know for next time, and picked up two more bottles while they are currently on sale today.

I did some shopping and got: a new bathing suit, two really cute tops, a new purse, a cover-up, and a new lipstick. I'm hot. The new top shows my cleavage off, what little there is of it, and although I'll never fall out of a top and stop traffic, I'm happy. Retail therapy is a wonderful thing.

Sex and the City was a great movie - and I never really watched the show, but I could easily follow the plot. Love conquers all, but I felt Samantha's pain during the movie - been there and done that! One really funny part was when they were in Mexico and Charlotte wouldn't eat anything local, and just had chocolate pudding - that's my mother. She's worried about taking a trip there because we wouldn't be able to eat anything. Again with the irrational paranoia. Maybe she is where I get some of that insanity from.

Anyway, here are the pictures from the Blue Pearl. Those are my feet - and speaking of them, here's a message for Patrick, where ever you are, and if you ever read this: I'm single now, so foot rubs are allowed without violating any of the laws in Pulp Fiction - I want my foot massage dammit!

PS - Happy Father's Day to all the dads!

Blue Pearl 2008 Maiden Voyage

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