Monday, October 27, 2008

Back to the grind

What a boring weekend! I worked on finishing my paper all day on Saturday, as the rain poured from the heavens, then got out of the house for a bit on Sunday after emailing my paper off! It's great to have that weight off my shoulders!

I heard from 2 T-group members already - Travis and Stu. Stu sent the most adorable picture of his daughter on the couch with him. Travis is now a facebook buddy of mine, so we update off and on.

I walked back into work this morning with over 100 important emails, and a bunch of not so important ones. Apparently my boss played the "Amy's not here so let's assign her everything" game. My coworkers don't remember that meeting going that way, but that's what the minutes came out as. Lovely.

But - SHE is on vacation all week, so I can get a lot of work done - woooo hoooo! :)

Bowling is tonight, so I'm looking forward to hitting some pins down - gooooooooooooo TEAM! :)

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