Friday, October 17, 2008

Fun time for a Friday

I was a little discombobulated this morning... first getting to work in time for the staff meeting, then running off to HHC to another meeting. I'm now using a borrowed cube at HHC to finish my work day, after a few more meetings.

It's been hard for me to focus on work this week, as I really don't have a lot of heavy hitting stuff to do. But I think that balances me out from last month when I was pulling my hair out trying to get the website up and running.

I discovered a new tool, Google Notebook, which I used yesterday when I was researching my final paper for class. It's a window I can toggle in and out of to copy things into... which saves and follows you to any internet connection. Pretty nifty.

I also found a MP3 website that allows you to download the rosary. October (and May) is the month of Mary, and I haven't prayed it in a long while. I figured it would be a good thing to listen to/pray while riding my bike at the gym. I tried it out last night and it worked well. I haven't had a full prayer life in a while... I normally say my prayers in the morning and night, and when I need to give thanks, but I haven't been involved in formal prayer, except for Mass on Sundays. When I add formal prayer to my daily routine, I seem to open myself to more spiritual/emotional things that happen that I don't seem to notice as often when I'm not. It'll be an interesting journey!

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