Friday, October 3, 2008

Can't wait for the weekend!

I went out with Stacey last night, and it was good to catch up with her, since I haven't seen her since March. She caught me up on the happenings among my ex's friends, and it was really good to see her again! She and I got along well, and I missed her. Hopefully there will be more happenings on the agenda!

Tonight I'm getting my haircut, and then more homework. I've been reading a little bit, or writing most every night, so I'm keeping up with everything... but class is next weekend! Time flies.

I'm going to see an old friend the Friday night of class for happy hour - I haven't seen him since high school, so it would be great to catch up. He works in DC, and apparently very close to where I am staying, so it's convenient.

Tomorrow I'm going to the Darlington Apple Festival, then the Olympian Parade in Towson. Not sure what I'm doing Saturday night, but hopefully I'll be meeting up with some friends.

Sunday is my first confirmation class, with the parents and students. That's always exciting as they hear my expectations, and they sit, very docile, through the whole thing. Then I have them soon after without adult supervision and all hell breaks out. Patience is a virtue!

Speaking of expectations, I've been thinking about what I would want from a significant other, if I had a wish list. Here's my list... if you know any available men that fit 90% of the description, send them my way:

1. At least a bachelor's degree or higher
2. Awesome sense of humor - at life and himself
3. Goal oriented and driven to succeed
4. Employed in a professional capacity
5. Has a moral sense - I don't mean that as "Christ-like" - I mean that as not out in the world doing harm to others to get a head, ethical
6. Open-minded to other view-points
7. Enjoys sports and culture, and likes going places and doing things
8. Likes to travel
9. Can be really sweet, but also not let me run over him, and give me hell when I need to hear it
10. Is mature enough to take to my work functions, but can still be playful
11. Doesn't mind that I'm involved in my catholic faith - as I'm not trying to convert anyone
12. Enjoys lots and lots of sex, and is willing to experiment (I know, TMI)
13. Values relationships with family and friends

.... we'll see.

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