Sunday, October 5, 2008

this is my concerned face --> :oP

I finally finished my paper! It's a moment of excitement as I feel a sense of accomplishment. Although, it's not exploring my original idea, I still think it's 1/2 way decent.

I found an interesting study that I wanted to include in my paper, but it only would work with my old thesis, not the one I currently used. The study was used to determine what happens to empathy when people join organizations. They tested a group of 1st year residents, and then gave them the same survey in their 3rd year. The level of personal empathy in them dropped considerably. The study concluded that the more educated you become, the less empathetic you are. (That was the abbreviated version of the study, it was actually long and involved in more scientific than what I described.) I was going to use this to try to explain why my problem children can't get along with their co-workers; as in the healing profession, the norm would be to assume a high level of empathy. Oh well, I'll save it for another paper.

The Confirmation program at my church kicked-off today after 9am Mass with a parent/child/teacher meeting. I called it when I said they would be quiet and shy, but on the 26th, when the parents aren't there, will be the true test of their behavior. Hopefully I won't have to pull my hair out this year... :) I am really patient, but they like a lot of negative attention... maybe my empathy is waning.. hehe

I also got a new phone today! WOO HOOO! It's a pink Venus, and I really like it. I already got to try out the text feature and a phone call this evening, so everything appears to be working well! WOO HOOO!

And my favorite purchase of the day... Glenda the Good Witch Book Plates! Too cute! :)

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