Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Well, on Friday, I spoke with Ryan about my list of expectations to see if they were anywhere near realistic for what I was looking for in a man and he showed up last night at the bowling alley with a picture of one for me.... Kermit the Frog.

In other news, I have an intern! He's in a MS program at Hopkins in Organizational Counseling, and as part of the program has to do intern work in an organization. The irony doesn't escape me that I'm mentoring an intern who happens to be in grad school, while I'm in grad school, for a similar degree. He's been tasked to design training for a system-wide mentoring program partnering with an inner city school in Baltimore, and my job is to oversee the process, provide guidance for him on how to design training, and work with him on the final presentation, while navigating the politics. He's also very good at getting me coffee... (JUST KIDDING!)

I'm still lovin' priceline! I went on there today to secure a room for December, and I landed a real chi-chi boutique hotel in Dupont Circle, 4 stars, for around $100 a night. My classmate booked earlier and was able to get it at $82, but $100 is still very good!!! I'm not sure if it's mainstream that grad students are staying in 4 star hotels, but I like a little pampering luxury every now and then... that's how I roll. ;)

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