Thursday, October 16, 2008


So my friend and I have been talking about dreams, and how I don't necessarily remember mine. His suggestion was to start keeping a piece of paper by my bed, and write down what I remember when I wake up.

I think I'm more prone to remember my dreams if I wake during the dream. This morning seemed to be 2 dreams mixed into one...

I went with my coworkers to check out a new building that MSH was buying and our new office was going to be there. We were trying to understand where our space would be, as most of the walls needed to be converted into the plans. The builder was there, and he was explaining how this huge room used to be the bar/lodge area for the old group, and it was going to be demolished. I explained that actually this area would be perfect for our two training rooms, one large and small, and he and I started talking about the plans for that.

Well, before we could move in, or start the reconfiguring of the rooms, there was one or two people still living in the back of the room, in a separate section. I walked back there to see, and I got sucked into that dream, which changed.

In this dream I was in a small home (which was attached to the other room), laying on the couch because I was really tired. I lived with a guy friend, and he was pissing me off because he brought home this woman last night, and they were making all of this noise on the sofa (not sexual noises, just being goofy). Plus she was really really young, and just wanted him for his money. I hit him, because he was trying to tickle me and pull me into their fun, and I wanted to be left alone. I just remember pulling the heavy blankets farther over my head, and wondering why he was so stupid to fall for her. I got tired of laying there, and went in my room to get my stuff together to take a shower. I remember walking into my room and being pissed because there was stuff everywhere, and I hardly had any room to move, and had no idea where my stuff was. She apparently "arranged" things to better meet her needs, because he told her I wouldn't mind. He followed me into my room, wanting to know what was wrong, and I told him that I was tired of being the third wheel, and just wanted to go home. At that point, she got up to leave, but told him that for her 18th birthday, she'd really like Christmas tree shaped diamond earrings. I looked at him and said, "Seriously?" Then I woke up.

Oh well.... I wonder what will happen tonight! hehe :)

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