Monday, September 7, 2009

Birthing Drugs...

... aka "Amy's Adventures with Nature"

I got to see a baby cow being born, right in front of my eyes today! And baby piggies! After I heard that poor cow mooing in pain, I've decided I will either need to be knocked out when delivering, or adopt! OUCH! All of the women in the audience kept gasping in pain and sympathy for the cow. But dairy cow #486 did an awesome job, and now she's a proud mama!

I also got to see my favorite farm animal, piggies! Elvis and Lucy were two oversize potbellies preening for attention in their pen. Then their smaller friends did a few laps around the ring for the grand prize of an oreo cookie. Very cute!

My little cousins were adorable as ever, with Ben singing "Putting on the Ritz" for me and telling me about the new phone in his room (he's 4). CJ likes squeezing my face between his hands when I hold him, my fishy face is her favorite. And princess Karen was rocking out to Hannah Montana on her CD player and dancing for the racing crowd.

I also ran into my old friend Jack, and we should be getting together soon for drinks. He's a police officer and got stuck working the fair, poor thing!

Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Labor Day Weekend 2009

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