Monday, September 21, 2009

I need a lesson...

... because apparently I was dropped off in the old school, and I am not getting the new school dating scene at all. I had another crop up of the same sort of issue occur last night. I updated my profile on the dating website I belong to, which usually gets a flurry of activity from interested guys. One such contacted me... the conversation went something like this:

Him: I want to be honest with you from the beginning, I'm not looking for a serious relationship, just friends and someone to hang out with, but also cuddle up to while watching movies and making-out... etc.
Me: So, you are looking for friends with benefits?
Him: I think that term is too raunchy, and I don't like it.
Me: Well, I don't like the term either. But I will be honest with you, I'm not the type of woman who can cuddle up with you, then leave and go out on a date with another man.
Him: Whoa... who said anything about you dating another man? I wasn't suggesting that you'd be doing this with other guys too. I wouldn't be trying to date other women either!
Me: So you want to be exclusive in this process? But I thought we'd just be "friends."
Him: It's a catch 22.
Me: So you don't want to see other people, but if it gets too sticky then either of us can pull the "Whoa - what are you talking about, we're just friends" card?
Him: Why does it have to be structured, why can't two people just enjoy each other's company until they don't want to anymore?
Me: I'm not trying to force structure, I'm just trying to be really clear about what you are asking for, so I won't get blurry later. I prefer just to get to know someone before any structure or naming of any sort of relationship occurs.
Him: So you'd be up for meeting and then figuring out the rest later?
Me: Possibly, but I'd have to get to know you first and figure out if I even want more.
Him: Look, I just want to go out with you, watch movies, cuddle, kiss, have a good rest of the evening, and I think you're really pretty.
Me: Thanks, but I want you to know that I don't meet people in person until I get to know them a little bit better and figure out what type of person they are.
Him: Good idea, you don't know if I'm a reverse pedophile who likes older women. (He's younger than me)
Me: Cute... well, I have to go!
Him: I'll be online later, come chat with me!

Thus it goes again. I felt aggressive in asking all of those questions about making him very clear, but I'm not going to get myself into a situation again, where the relationship feels/acts/seems like more, but someone can always pull the friend card out on me. It seems to be a pattern that happened with a few guys in my past, where we started as friends, and then it just got really confusing all around. Its that stupid out that I tolerate, because I always think that if I hang in there long enough, don't make any demands on them in a girlfriend like way, that things will change. They never do! Again, my favorite part, and this is evil of me, is that our relationship usually ends in a negative way, stilted friendship, I would call it. And it ends because they "found the woman of their dreams"... and it's happened 3 times now that she walked all over their hearts leaving them for dead about a year after. Then for some reason they feel so guilty... I wonder why? We were just friends! (snicker)

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