Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm such a joiner. We used to tease a coworker of mine, Ruth, because she was busy after work every night with different clubs and organizations she joined or was on the board. I'm an undercover joiner, but joiner I am. She even got me involved in a few of her associations when I first started working with her.... although, after I found myself in the heart of the unsafe area of town, volunteering to do BMI screenings, telling people they are obese.... that's the last time I joined!

Anyway, I found by accident a few weeks ago, and created a profile. So, now I'm an official member of 2 singles groups, 4 social groups, a yoga group, and a meditation group. The yoga and meditation group don't do much, but the other 6 have something going on most every night! Actually, I think 2 of the groups are going to the wine festival this weekend, but I'm already going with my friends, so I'm not RSVPing to those. I would, if it was just me, but I didn't know that they watch for you at the gate and officially welcome you. I think that would creep my peeps out.

Tomorrow night I'm doing the 5Rhythms dancing meditation again in the DC area, and I talked my friend Stacey into going with me. She loves to dance and has been taking dance classes, so I think we both could use the 2 1/2 hours to move and get all the crap out of our systems. It was such a release last time, as my body got to throw the tantrum it was trying to throw for awhile. I plan to dance my anger and disappointment out over the Sam situation. I'm more in the disappointed stage, and its not about wanting him to be "into me." As I had mentioned, he was very clear to me that he was not looking for a relationship from day one. I'm just disappointed that our friendship doesn't seem to be important to him. Although, to be honest, I really don't want to be around him if he's dating her, because that would just piss me off. I don't like to be around people who manipulate or really don't care. And by not contacting me, I'm starting to see clearly that this is what this all is. That's not healthy, and all I keep doing is the Metta practice, where I wish each of them happiness, health, peace, and ease.... part of my practice is to include people I am having struggles with in order to overcome and let go. I also do the Metta practice to myself, and my heart and soul sing when that happens. It feels good. I'm also practicing the art of forgiveness, and doing particular intentions to ask for forgiveness from those I hurt, from those who hurt me, and from myself. Generosity and compassion are my two goals in my quest to get back to loving-kindness.

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