Thursday, May 22, 2008

feeling good...

I'm feeling good today. For some reason my stomach has been acting up the last couple of nights, and then I started to think I had gallbladder problems, which made me freak out, and cause more anxiety then needed, which in turn made my stomach hurt... it was just a needless cycle of wasted energy. The Internet doesn't help - I have to stop self-diagnosing! Before the afternoon was out I had a magnitude of diseases and problems. My mom basically told me to stop being an idiot and worrying myself about things, and if something was really wrong, I'd know it. How true! I've been under a lot of stress and reorganization of my life plan recently, so this may be a symptom of that too.

I've started taking flax seed oil as well in the morning and evening with meals. It has a weird oil taste when ingested by itself, but overall the benefits of it outweigh anything else. It has more omega3 than fish, and helps with digestion, lowering cholesterol, joint aches, shiny hair, etc. Along with my new diet and work-out schedule, I'm starting to see a lot of changes.

Now I'm just looking for a better tasting red wine... Mom had purchased a few bottles at a wine sale for charity, and they are okay, but not my favorite. I'm more of a white wine drinker anyway, but the red has better health benefits. My tolerance must be low, as one glass with dinner has been making me very sleepy in the evenings, which is why I haven't been on the computer at night! My pictures will be posted soon... I have some from Ben's birthday and my bowling shoes.

Anyway - Today is the service awards at work, and since I'm in my 5th year, I get an award for 5 years of service. Yay! We'll see how this goes, I've heard interesting stories about the program, but I'm sure I'll have at least something interesting to talk about that happened from it tomorrow.

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