Friday, May 9, 2008

Loving the rain...

The only thing I want to do on a rainy day is stay in bed and cuddle under the blankets. There's just something about fresh cool sheets, lots of pillows, and a down comforter that makes it all very wonderful. Unfortunately I never get a chance to do that, as there's just so much to do. But one day, I'm going to stay in bed on a rainy day, and hopefully have a hot guy there to share it with me! hehe

I have a guy friend who I think would make an excellent snuggler (the one I've been having hot flashes over the last week), but I never experienced the snuggle in person. That's my one beef with online friends - I feel so connected, yet the opportunity to often hang out in person is rare, so there always seems to be something missing.

I don't know, sometimes I feel jipped in that regard. I guess many people in the technology age have the same issue. He and I have talked about life for a very long time, even though we go through phases where we are engaged in dialogue for hours every night for a few months, and then the contact trickles off for awhile, and then comes back. But, we always seem to find each other again when we need to hear what the other has to say. It's uncany how that works.

Another friend once told me that friendship and intimate relationships need eye contact to be viable. Sometimes, I would have to agree. Because in honesty, as much I talk to this person, I really don't know him. I've seen pictures, but I don't know what faces he makes, how he walks, the body language he displays in situations. I wouldn't be able to "read" him like my other friends. I would hopefully walk past him on the street and be able to recognize him, but without the in-person connection, that may not be likely. I think you have to "be" in someone's presence to really get a full snap-shot of who they are.

I think that's why I invite him everywhere; just to add the in-person dynamic with someone I verbally shared so much of my life with. He's not usually able to accept the invitation, but if anything, I'm stubborn - so I'm going to keep asking.

Friendships are worth it, and the one thing I know about myself - I don't give up easily. And why should I?

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