Wednesday, May 14, 2008

updates from bowling - week 1

I can honestly say that I made the best purchase last night - my new bowling shoes! I don't think that anyone can rock those shoes like I can - no one puts baby in the corner! hehehe

They look like a modified saddle shoe, but they are baby blue and black - with a shiny patten leather look to them! hehehehe Now I need to re-evaluate the "pink" theme I was contemplating yesterday and go for blue. But, Heather, Ryan's girlfriend, was totally on board with my idea of matching outfits, so that's a go!

We also came up with a name for our bowling team - The Bowling Stones... now we just need kick-ass shirts, and all of my bowling dreams will come true. We are also going to sign up to get sanctioned, which means we'll start collecting patches for our efforts. ROCK ON!

I did get a backwards compliment last night from Ryan's friend. I've met him a few times when hanging out with Ryan, as they work together at Booz. He was at the bonfire this weekend too, and we had some fun conversation. They have been trying to set him up with a friend of Heather's, but apparently on Saturday night, it became apparent to him that the set-up isn't going to work. I didn't get the full effort of hearing it first hand, but as it was relayed to Ryan, and then to me as: Apparently he was talking to you, and really enjoying the conversation, and then when she showed up, he thought he'd go talk to her, and there was no comparison between you and her. You won in the conversation making round, as he realized that she isn't too bright... Ryan went on to explain to him that I am older than she is, but I've always been mature and a lot of fun to talk to, and you really can't compare me to her.

Point for Amy! But, I always did have a lot to say, and I'm really good at asking questions and listening.

Oh well.... off to a meeting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the bowling shows sound awesome, and blue is way better than pink!