Wednesday, May 14, 2008

posing nude

Talk about a juxtaposition. I was reviewing two articles on CNN's website, one about catcalling, and the other highlighting a painting.

The author of the catcalling article wrote her thesis on the effects of catcalling and a woman's objectifying of her body. The article wasn't as interesting as some of the comments that readers were writing. A few of my favorites included a man who said, "ugly guy catcalling = creepy, hot guy catcalling = compliment." Which got me thinking about how women view compliments. Not that I have a thing for Brad Pitt, but to use him as an example of what some women appreciate in a man, if he was standing on the corner and whistled at the woman with a shit-eating grin, I don't think she'd complain.

The fear or dislike the woman interviewed felt was based on the idea that they thought the men would take it a step further after the whistle and sexually assault them. I'm not sure how often that happens, but I haven't heard of that happening. But that doesn't mean it doesn't. Some of the other comments from men on the site were directed to ugly women who felt that they were just complaining because they don't get catcalled.

On the flip side, a painting by Lucian Freud of a very zaftig, very naked woman just sold for $33.6 million at Chrisitie's.

Hell... for $33.6 million, I'll pose, and let you put the picture up in a high traffic area and men can catcall to their heart is content!

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